An artistic manifestation of a life with sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis is a paralyzing condition that can occur while falling asleep or waking up. During REM sleep, the brain shuts down most of the body’s muscles to prevent too much movement whilst sleeping. When suffering from sleep paralysis, muscular control shuts off too early or switches on too late, making it impossible to move even though one is conscious. The body is asleep while the brain is awake. Some people experience hallucinations, such as horrific sensations of a presence in the room, confused dreams, or feelings of suffocation. For the past few months, I have documented my dreams/hallucinations on everything from scribbles on small post-its and weird cell phone notes, to completely incomprehensible little drawings. My project is about informing others, but also about self processing; developing and investigating sleep paralysis through painting. The paintings have then become kits of plastic bags containing, among other things, three of the paintings in poster form, for the viewer to be able to take the project home.